Section 31. 1.5 miles west of Eminence on Cty Rd 650N. Haltom is on the northeast corner of the road

This information provided by Debbie Jennings

I visited the Haltom Cemetery in September of 1999, while actually visiting the

Walters Cemetery next to it. I viewed an area on the opposite corner that was contained within a wrought iron fence (or what I could see of one through the weeds). Under further investigation I found that the gate was held shut with a twisted piece of coat hanger and that was the last semblance of any care given to the place.

Weeds and underbrush so overtook the place that if I had not had long pants and boots on I wouldn't have attempted to go in. By going in just a few feet and cautiously looking for snakes (or whatever) I was able to push aside a few weeds enough to read the name HALTOM on several of the stones. There is no sign and in driving by it, nobody would even know it is a cemetery.

I would be a nice cemetery if cleaned up as for what I could tell none of the stones were vandalized and were in good order; only the weeds and brush are out of control.