Census Record

It is my standard practice that in addition to simply copying the name of the family you are searching for, I will also copy in the best possible way for you to view the surrounding families. Many times persons have found that other family members lived in close proximity. Please be aware that in searching for census records there are a few things that should be remembered. CENSUS RECORDS from 1790-1840-will list only the head of the household by name, any additional family members appear as tally marks. CENSUS RECORDS from 1850--This is the first census listing the names of all family members. CENSUS RECORDS from 1890--are not in existence

  • 1790--Name of the Head of Household// Tally Marks for the rest of the persons living there, including slaves
  • 1800-1810-Name of Head of Household// Tally Marks for all others; Race,Sex and Slaves
  • 1820-Name of Head of Household// Tally Marks for all other persons living there and a total of how many employed in either Agriculture, Commerce or Manufacturing
  • 1830--Name of Head of Household// Tally Marks for others; also race, slaves, and any foreigners not naturalized
  • 1840-Name of Head of Household// Tally Marks for all others; these are in age divisions; also how many slaves and how many employed in one of 6 industries
  • 1850-Name of Head of Household// Names of all other persons in the household// This census also includes for each person: age,race,Occupation,Real Estate Value,State of Birth,and if they are literate or not; also for persons who died through that year
  • 1860-Name of Head of Household// Names of all other persons in household and also for each person; age,sex,race,schooling,literacy,value of real estate,occupation,birthplace
  • 1870-Name of Head of Household and all others; for each of these persons the following info; age,race,sex,value of real estate,value of personal property,if parents were foreign born, if married within the year, schooling,occupation, any persons denied right to vote
  • 1880-Name and address of all persons in household; relationship to family head, sex,race,age,marital status,occupation,months in year unemployed,schooling,literacy,birthplace of person and parents
  • 1900--For all household members; name,address,relationship to head of household,age,race,sex,marital status,years married,number of children born and how many living,birthplace of person and parents, year of immigration,whether naturalized, occupation, literacy,ability to speak English, whether on a farm,owned or rented
  • 1910-for all household members; name,address,sex,age,race,relationship to head of household,marital status, years married,number of children and how many living,birthplace of person and parents, mother tongue if foreign born, year of immigration, whether naturalized, schooling,literacy, can speak English, owned or rented home,survivor of CW, blind, deaf or dumb
  • 1920-for all household members; name,address,age,sex,race,relationship to head of household,home owned or rented,whether on a farm,marital status,age at first marriage,schooling,literacy,birthplace of person and parents, if foreign born what language spoken,occupation,veteran status,year of immigration,whether naturalized, ability to speak English// For Indians; whether of full or mixed blood and tribal affiliation

