A FOUL MURDER John Ratcliff of Morgan County Murdered, and His Body Eaten by Hogs A Horrible Crime Committed for a Few Dollars Indianapolis Sentinel January 27, 1879 Martinsville, January 26-- Yesterday morning John Ratcliff, living about five miles east of this place, left his home after breakfast for the purpose of feeding his hogs. Not having returned at noon, his family supposed he had fallen in with his step-son, William Radford, whose farm adjoins his and with him had gone to Martinsville, as was his usual custom on Saturdays; but night came and with in brought fears to Mrs. Ratcliff that all was not well. Search was immediately instituted and about a fourth of a mile from the house the family's dreaded suspicions were fully realized by the finding of the dead body of the missing farmer. It lay near a corn crib and was in such a dreadfully mutilated condition that it was scarcely recognizable. The viscera had been entirely removed by the hungry hogs. The autopsy which was made today by Drs. Blackstone and Johnston, gave no proof that would lead one to infer that the deceased had been foully dealt with, but aside from this there are circumstances which go to show that he was murdered. The deceased's pocketbook which is said to have contained about $150.00 is missing. It is thought the guilty parties are known as one was seen in this place yesterday with a large amount of money, something very unusual for a person in his circumstances. The deceased was about 56 and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was related to Hon. E. Henderson, auditor of the state. Submitted by Debbie Jennings