Old Indian Cemetery Section 1. Go .3 mile east on SR 144 to Rooker Rd., south .5 mile to hill on right side of road. Indian burial site was located on top of the hill; was destroyed in 1994 by new construction. Even before this cemetery was destroyed for construction, it was no more then a place in the woods. My previous inlaws own the land next to it and what was considered the Indian Cemetery was also locally know as just "the woods". In particular there was a massive hill with a creek at the bottom. Large numbers of stone were there in the dry creekbed in all forms of shapes, sizes and pieces. The majority of these stones dated no later then the 1820's. The whole area was simply tightly packed dirt. There were possibly graves that were not Indians, I recall no stones with what I would deem as "indian" names. I recall several "Elizabeth's" and several James and John. The condition I refer to was in the late 1970's. Sadly I don't think that any record exists of the burials. The area to be more exact was approximately 5 miles south of the town of Mooresville. Submitted by Debbie Jennings