"R" Divorces

(In viewing these listings, the numbers such as (4)649-650 are the book and page numbers that the divorce is listed in).

Ray, Margaret Ray, Albert G. (4) 199 31 Jan 1865 Albert comes not; divorce granted; alimony. Custody of 8 children and guardianship of children's property to Margaret

Randall, Susan J. Randall, Jonathan B. 145 1874 Susan J. Singleton

Reed, George Reed, Catherine (6) 371,388,395, 438,479 45 Apr 21 1856, May 8 1857 Divorce granted

Reeves, Emeline Reeves, Elias (6) 329 150 May 1872 Elias comes not; divorce granted

Renfoe, Sarah A. Renfoe, Thomas (4) 396,428 86 Sep 1866 Thomas comes not; divorce granted

Ridge, Cassean J. Ridge, Martin (6) 97,138 Nov 4 1854 Cassean granted divorce plus costs; and custody of children

Rinney, Cassander Rinney, John 45 Jul 1857

Roberts, Nancy J. Roberts, James (4) 557 86 May 1867 James comes not; divorce granted. Custody of minor, Dullivan, to Nancy

Robinson, Christopher Robinson, Eliza (6) 273,283,299 45 Oct 16 1855, Nov 1 1855 Eliza granted divorce

Rodgers, Nancy J. Rodgers, John S. (5) 95 100 Jan 1868 John comes not; divorce granted. Custody of Margaret M. to Nancy

Rumbarger, Frank Rumbarger, Jane (6) 300 150 May 1872 Cause dismissed by Frank

Divorce Database