Shooting at Spencer Bloomington Weekly Courier October 31, 1911; PAGE 1 Henry Baldwin, a farmer living about four miles north of Spencer, was shot twice and probably fatally injured yesterday afternoon by his brother-in-law, Homer Gantz. The shooting occured at the Baldwin home, Gantz apparently having gone there to settle a former difficulty. Both shots penetrated the breast and the physician gives small hope for Baldwin's recovery. Some time ago Gantz and his wife separated, the trouble between the two arising out of Baldwin's association with Gantz's wife. Baldwin is now under a surety of peace bond, the result of a suit Gantz filed against him some time ago. Public sympathy is with Gantz. Both men have several children. Gantz has not yet been placed under arrest, and thus far no move has been made by the authorities to do so. Gantz has never been in trouble before.