Church News

Page last updated June 17, 2009

19 September 1890 "The Gosport Enterprise"


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Rev. RAWLINS preached his farewell sermon at the M.E. Church last Sunday night, unless conference returns him to this place again.

**Rev. A.J. EWING and wife have gone to the annual conference this week, and will learn who is to be pastor of the M.E. Church South for the next year in a few days.


**Elder MAVITY delivered two excellent sermons Sunday and Sunday night.

**Rev. O.S. BAUM of Martinsville preached a very interesting sermon at the Christian church last Wed. evening

The Democrat, Owen County, IN, July 28, 1898;


Submitted by Debbie Jennings

**Rev. Urner preached an excellent sermon at this place Sunday.


**Rev. Wilson preached at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning and evening to large and attentive audience.

Owen County Democrat; March 10, 1892

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**The Ladies of the M.E. Church will give a carpet rag festival at the hall on the 17th of March. Admittance 10 cents, a substantial supper 15 cents, an interesting program of music and tableaux. Proceeds for the new church. Please attend.

Owen County Democrat; September 21, 1917

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Children's Day exercises will be given at Liberty Church Sunday evening June 24th. Public invited.

Owen County Leader; November 24, 1904

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Miss Alice Palmer, one of the Round the World Missionaries will come here next week Saturday and will lecture at the Christian Church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Come and hear her. She requests all of the ladies of the W.C.T.U. to meet her at her lecture room at the M.E. Church Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Owen County Leader; June 21, 1917

The Churches-- Christian

John H. Swift, Pastor

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Services Sunday as usual, Special interest surrounds the Sunday school-next Sunday is the last in the contest. Every class will reach New York City for services. Will remain there till next Sunday. The first Sunday in July the reports will be given and the banner awarded to the successful class. Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Do not neglect the Lord's Marriage Table.

The Churches-- Baptist

E.G. Shouse, Pastor

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Evening sermon subject- "An Old Love Story". At the morning hour the pastor will talk to the new converts on bible doctrine. Let all be present. It is especially urged that all members be present as an important baptism announcement will be made. Sunday school at 9:30 A.M. as usual. All welcome.

Owen County Leader; September 21, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Election of one trustee of the Baptist church will be held Wednesday evening, September 28.

Owen County Journal; April 11, 1918

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Rev. John Ragle left Thursday for Battle Creek, Mich., where he will conduct a series of evangelistic services. Louis M. DeCello who will play the organ for him accompanied him from this city.


**Next Sunday evening at the M.E. Church the pastor will give a review of Donald Hankey's book "A Student in Arms". This book has had a large reading in England and America and is regarded by many conpetent critics as the greatest war book yet written. The chapters of this book were written while the author was in the British service and were first published in the London Spectator. The author was killed in action on the western front October 26, 1916. Mr. Hankey was a wise student of human nature and wrote, soldiered and died as a devout Christian follower of the Christ.

Owen County Journal; September 11, 1918


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**The all-day meeting Sunday at the Presbyterian Church was attended by goodly crowds throughout the day. Good sermons were delivered by the pastor, Rev. Hartsook, and by Dr. F.C. Hood of Franklin. A balance of $350 indebtedness for improvements was wiped off the slate by voluntary donations.

Owen County Journal; September 12, 1918


Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Last Friday night the members of the men's class of the M.E. school, of which Homer Elliott has been teacher for several years gave a farewell reception to Mr. Elliott at the church. Only the members of the class and a few intimate friends of Mr. Elliott were present.Many short talk were made by members of the class and light refreshments were served. Mr. Elliott has been one of the most successful bible teachers ever in Spencer and it was largely due to his efforts that the present M.E.class has grown until it is perhaps the largest in the city. His place will be taken by B.B.DeMarcus

Owen County Journal; August 10, 1921

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**Rev. and Mrs. W.B. Collins accompanied by Mr and Mrs Carl Burch attended Sunday service at County Line church in Greene County when Rev. Collins was converted when nine years old.

Gosport Reporter; April 16, 1936

Owen-Clay Preacher Meet

Submitted by Kathy Bargerhuff

**The regular meeting of the Methodist pastors of Owen and Clay counties was held Tuesday all day at the home of the Rev. Glen Barron at Bowling Green. The Rev. A. Hartsaw, Gosport pastor, delivered the address. Devotions were by the Rev. Barron. A pitch-in dinner was served at noon and in the afternoon the ladies entertained with a special musical program.

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Debbie Jennings